Bethlehem Sunday School

We welcome all children, from preschool through 8th grade, to join us Sunday mornings for a time of worship, fellowship, learning, and fun. 1st through 8th grade will meet together as a group, with the 3, 4, and 5 year olds making up their own classroom. The program for our youngest students focuses on bible stories, prayers, fellowship, and, of course, snacks! Students in 1st through 8th grade participate in a thematic program. The first Sunday of each month we introduce a new theme, which is supported and expanded on the following Sundays.

A typical month looks something like this:

The goal of our thematic program is to give students a good understanding of the major events in the Bible, to teach them how to navigate around the Bible, and to give them a social environment where they can grow in their faith.

Themes for the 2012/2013 Sunday School year:

September-Rally Sunday Creation

October-Reformation, Martin Luther, and All Saints Sunday


December-Christmas program practice

January-10 Commandments

February-Jonah and the Whale- Faith and Guidance from God

March-Holy Week and the Easter story

April-Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors- Forgiveness

May-Last day is May 5th- a special art inspired summer kickoff

 Feel free to join us!

2012-2013 Teacher List:
Lisa Parks
Hope Weiland
Joyce Nuehring
Amber Nuehring
Brenda Nesheim-Fuller

Fourth Sunday Funday :
Kelly Scholl
Mariah Baker
Katie Fuller
 Bethlehem and Grace Sunday Schools

Grace Sunday School 

We welcome all children, preschool - Grade 8 to participate in our Sunday School program

We use the curriculum, Spark, a Sunday school faith formation program designed for kids, Pre-School-Grade 6. Each Sunday begins with a group sing & share time.

Our Sunday School year begins with Rally Day in September and ends in May. Times rotate with our regular church schedule.

In preparation for First Communion, Third grade students receive Bibles. First Communion is offered to 5th graders. It is scheduled so that they can take their first communion on Maundy Thursday.

To register call the church office at 641-896-2311 and leave a message.

2014-2015 teachers:
Pre-K, Kindergarten: Lauren Ebbers; Helpers: Callie Maxwell & Rachel Niemi
Grades 1-3: Linda & David Fulton
Grades 4-6: Cat Aragon
Grades 7-8: Scott Magnuson 
Sub: Tammy Orr
Superintendent: Cat Aragon
Board of Education representative: Cat Aragon